4 Easy Tips How to Care for Outdoor Pot Plants the Right Way

4 Easy Tips How to Care for Outdoor Pot Plants the Right Way


Not all of us have the luxury of being able to live in a house with a huge garden to grow flowers, herbs, and all sorts of other plants. It’s for this very reason why many choose to grow plants in pots. Whether you live in a house with a tiny backyard or in an apartment, potted plants can give you that added touch of greenery that will soothe and relax the senses.

That said, here are four tips on how to care for outdoor pot plants you to help get you started.

How to care for outdoor pot plants

  1. Inspect the area.

    Before you actually go out and buy your potted plants, it's essential first to check where you'll put them

    The area should be in a place where your plants would be able to get a decent amount of sunlight, especially if you’re living in an apartment in the city where shadows from neighboring buildings can easily block out the sun, and affect the growth and overall health of your potted plants

  2. Choose the right kind of pots.

    When choosing the pots to use, make sure that these are big enough to allow the roots of your plants to grow out to their maximum depth and length. Inspect also the bottom of your pot to make sure that there are enough holes at the bottom so that the water drains out and not drown your plants when you water them.

    For those living in an apartment, make sure that the pots don't consume a lot of space on your balcony. Not only will it cramp up your area, but also become more prone to damage when you have friends or family over.

    If your balcony is too small of an area to put potted plants on the ground, consider hanging them on the rails or on the sides of the exterior of your apartment. Just make sure to first ask permission from the landlord to avoid any problems.

  3. Use a potting mix.

    A common mistake people have when it comes to how to care for outdoor pot plants is that it's perfectly okay to use the soil from their garden. This is a huge mistake!

    The reason is that there's a good chance that the soil in your garden may be riddled with weed seeds, insects, and even fungus. All of these will affect the overall health of your potted plants.

    Instead, go to your local garden store and get yourself a fresh batch of potting soil. It may cost a bit, but at least you can be sure that it's packed with all the nourishment and none of the pests that can harm them.

  4. Don't over water your plants.

    Yes, plants need water to grow. But if they get too much, it can be hazardous to their health.

    Generally, you should only water your potted plants with enough water to moisten the soil. However, the right amount of water to give greatly depends on the kind of plant you're growing. Check with a professional gardener in your area on how much water your plants need and also how frequently you should water them.