Playground Auditing 101

Playground Auditing 101


When you think of a playground, you immediately imagine a fun and safe place. It's where kids come to dream, play, and have fun. At the same time, it's a haven where parents and children can interact with others.

However, weather conditions, vandalism, and continuous use can eventually transform the playground into a dangerous place. A wobbly slide, a sharp piece of metal sticking out, depressions in the soil and sand or a loose bolt can cause injury to children and their parents. It's for this reason why regular playground auditing and inspection are done within your community.

What is a Playground auditing?

A playground auditing is essentially an in-depth inspection and examination of the overall condition of the playground. This is usually done whenever a new piece of equipment is installed, after doing significant repairs, and after a severe weather condition like a storm.

What happens during a playground audit?

During a playground auditing, inspectors take a close look at every piece of equipment for any signs of damage. They also carefully inspect the area for any signs of litter, deterioration, vandalism, and damage.

The inspection carried out is done through the use of a checklist. That way, the inspector is guided throughout the entire process to make sure that nothing is missed or overlooked.

How often is a playground auditing done?

The answer to this is that it much depends on many factors. One of this is the playground's location. Playgrounds that are located near the ocean or in a place where typhoons often pass go through auditing more often than those that are found in other areas. That's because the equipment and soil in these areas are exposed to more elements that can speed up their deterioration.

Foot traffic is another thing that affects a playground auditing's frequency. Playgrounds that are used by a lot of children need to go through inspections more frequently to make sure that they're always in tip-top condition.

Do gardeners need to be Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI)?

While you are not required to become a CPSI to pursue a career as a professional gardener or handyman, getting this certification is going to be a worthwhile investment.

That's because by getting this certification, you have the opportunity to expand your range of service, so you're not just limited to residential and commercial landscaping. Having this certification allows you to offer your services to schools and even local government offices to build and maintain the playgrounds and parks they want to develop.

At the same time, you can now also confidently offer playground setup and maintenance to clients reaching out to you to beautify their gardens. With this certification, you are able to give parents peace of mind and earn their trust to let you build a playground for their children in their backyard.

How do I get certified?

You'll need to register for the certification course with the National Recreation and Park Association. They offer both classroom and online classes, so you have the option to choose to enroll in the one that would work best with your schedule.

After you complete the certification classes, you'll need to pass the certification exam, which is made up of 100 different questions. You'll know the results of your exam about a month after you take the exam.