Simple Landscaping Tricks to Spruce Up Your Garden

Simple Landscaping Tricks to spruce Up Your Garden


A manicured, landscaped garden is the crowning glory of any home. It makes your home more inviting, and beautiful to look at. Landscaping also does wonders for increasing the overall value of your home.

Most people choose to hire a professional gardener to do their home's landscaping. That's because it can sound quite overwhelming to do, especially for someone who hasn't done any kind of gardening. It also takes quite a while to finish.

The good news is that there are actually lots of ways on how to jazz up your garden to make it look like it's been done by a professional. Here are five simple landscaping hacks that you can do even if you're a complete beginner and don't have that much time or money for a major landscaping project.

1.Make a list of your wants and needs

Before doing anything, take a moment to list down what are the things that you and your family want and need in your garden.

Do you have kids that would love it if they had a play area?

Or do you enjoy having friends and family come over for a little get together during the weekend?

Maybe you're thinking of growing your own vegetable patch to help cut back on your grocery bills?

Whatever it is, write them down. These would serve as your guide while you brainstorm your garden's landscaping design.

2.Pay attention to the sun and wind

Both of these are essential when it comes to your landscaping design because these would determine what kinds of plants to have, and where you should put them.

At the same time, the sun and wind will also affect your overall enjoyment of your garden while you're lounging here with your friends and family. For example, if you put your garden set in an area where that gets a lot of sunlight during the afternoon, this can end up being unbearable during the summer.

3.Divide and conquer

Everyone would love to have a showstopping landscaping makeover just like what they see on TV or YouTube. But remember, these projects involve a huge team of professional gardeners and handymen to get the job done in record time.

The best way to do your landscaping project is by segmenting your yard into sections and do the landscaping here one at a time. That way, you won't feel overwhelmed while you're doing this. At the same time, seeing how your landscaping is transforming your yard little by little will encourage you to keep on going until the entire yard is finished.

4.Choose a focal point

One of the easiest landscaping tricks you can do is to choose a point in your yard that will serve as the centerpiece of your overall design. This could be an old tree, a series of flowering shrubs, or a beautiful arch.

The idea here is to make sure that everyone's eye is drawn to this area before it starts going around the rest of the garden. That way, your landscaping design doesn't look too cluttered or busy.

5.Use native plants

Native plants will be your best option if this is the first time you're ever going to embark on a landscaping project. As their name suggests, these are the plants that grow in your area. That means that they don't require any special care or attention to grow. Not only will you have to spend less, but also not have to stress out in caring for them after planting.