Things to Consider Before Adding Rubbish Removal to Your Gardening Business

Things to Consider Before Adding Rubbish Removal to Your Gardening Business


Taking out the trash is a messy business (no pun intended). But for many that don't mind a bit of grease and dirt, it can be a very lucrative source of income. And if you're thinking of becoming a professional gardener, this can be welcome service for your clients.

Like any type of business, there's more to adding rubbish removal to your list of services to your professional gardening service than getting a few pieces of equipment and gear together. There's a lot of things that you need to first have in place to make this happen.

Here are four questions you'll need to answer before adding this to your gardening service business.

1.Is there still a market for it?

Before adding rubbish removal to your list of services, do some research in your area if there are already any existing rubbish removal businesses already present in your area. The more saturated your market is, the more challenging it will be to get clients to avail of this service from you.

Look also if there are any segments in your market that are not being serviced by these businesses. If there are, find out why. You can use these pockets as windows of opportunity that you can use to your advantage.

2.Should you get a franchise or start from scratch?

Even if you've been offering professional gardening services for some time, opting to get a rubbish removal franchise may be a better option than starting from scratch.

For starters, some rubbish removal franchise will already include trucks and all the equipment you'll need along with the rights of using their brand. This makes it a more cost-effective option than having to get everything on your own.

Second, many of these franchise brands are already well-known to your potential clients. So, there's already a sense of trust that exists among them, making them more willing to avail of your rubbish removal service.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to going the franchise route. The biggest would be that you'll need to submit a percentage of your income earned to them. This percentage varies, depending on which franchise you choose. Also, you need to make sure that you adhere to their guidelines, especially when it comes to using their brand name in your promotions. If you don't follow these, you can risk losing your franchise rights altogether.

3.Do you have the funds?

Whether you choose to go with a franchise or start your rubbish removal service from scratch, you'll still need to invest a considerable amount to get everything up and running.

If you're just starting out, you can take out a loan from your local bank with the help of the Small Business Administration (SBA). You can also choose to invest some of your earnings from your gardening service business as well.

Whichever option you choose, make sure that you secure an amount that won't just cover everything you need to get started, but also to cover any expenses that you'll incur as you start trying to get new clients.

4.What kind of paperwork will you need?

In addition to the standard ones required for all types of businesses, some counties and cities may require you have special permits and licenses to include rubbish removal among your list of services.

To be on the safe side, be sure to check with the local chamber of commerce or SBA branch in your area. That way you avoid risking being slapped with heavy fines and penalties. In some states, that includes imprisonment.